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Liver disease
Hepatitis C virus genotype 6: Virology, epidemiology, genetic variation and clinical implication. Thong VD, Akkarathamrongsin S, Poovorawan K, Tangkijvanich P, Poovorawan Y. World J Gastroenterol. 2014 ;20(11):2927-2940
New susceptibility and resistance HLA-DP alleles to HBV-related diseases identified by a trans-ethnic association study in Asia. Nishida N, Sawai H, Kashiwase K, Minami M, Sugiyama M, Seto WK, Yuen MF, Posuwan N, Poovorawan Y, Ahn SH, Han KH, Matsuura K, Tanaka Y, Kurosaki M, Asahina Y, Izumi N, Kang JH, Hige S, Ide T, Yamamoto K, Sakaida I, Murawaki Y, Itoh Y, Tamori A, Orito E, Hiasa Y, Honda M, Kaneko S, Mita E, Suzuki K, Hino K, Tanaka E, Mochida S, Watanabe M, Eguchi Y, Masaki N, Murata K, Korenaga M, Mawatari Y, Ohashi J, Kawashima M, Tokunaga K, Mizokami M. PLoS One. 2014 Feb 10;9(2):e86449. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0086449. eCollection 2014.
Genetic association of human leukocyte antigens with chronicity or resolution of hepatitis B infection in thai population. Posuwan N, Payungporn S, Tangkijvanich P, Ogawa S, Murakami S, Iijima S, Matsuura K, Shinkai N, Watanabe T, Poovorawan Y, Tanaka Y. PLoS One. 2014 Jan 23;9(1):e86007. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0086007. eCollection 2014 Jan 23.
Recurrence of visceral Leishmania caused by - - -- Leishmania siamensis after treatment with amphotericin B in a child. Osatakul S, Mungthin M, Siripattanapipong S,Hitakarun A, Kositnitikul R,Naaglor T,Leelayoova S. Am J Trop Med Hyg 2014;90:40-2.
Multilocus characterization and phylogenetic analysis of Leishmania siamensis isolated from autochthonous visceral leishmaniasis cases, southern Thailand. Leelayoova S, Siripattanapipong S, Hitakarun A, Kato H,Tan-ariya P, Siriyasatie Osatakul S, Mungthin M. BMC Microbiol 2013;13:6
The important role of early diagnosis and preventive management during a large-scale outbreak of hepatitis A in Thailand. Poovorawan K, Chattakul P, Chattakul S, Thongmee T, Theamboonlers A, Komolmit P, Poovorawan Y. Pathog Glob Health.2013;107(7):367-72.
Circulating cytokines and histological liver damage in chronic hepatitis B infection. Poovorawan K, Tangkijvanich P, Chirathaworn C, Wisedopas N, Treeprasertsuk S, Komolmit P, Poovorawan Y. Hepat Res Treat. 2013;2013:757246. doi:10.1155/2013/757246. Epub 2013 Oct 31.
Hepatitis B virus genetic variation and TP53 R249S mutation in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma in Thailand. Thongbai C, Sa-nguanmoo P, Kranokpiruk P, Poovorawan K, Poovorawan Y,Tangkijvanich P. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2013;14(6):3555-9.
Molecular epidemiology and genetic history of hepatitis C virus subtype 3a infection in Thailand. Akkarathamrongsin S, Hacharoen P, Tangkijvanich P, Theamboonlers A, Tanaka Y, Mizokami M, Poovorawan Y. Intervirology. 2013;56(5):284-94. doi: 10.1159/000351621. Epub 2013 Jul 3.
Long-term anti-HBs antibody persistence following infant vaccination against hepatitis B and evaluation of anamnestic response: a 20-year follow-up study in Thailand .Poovorawan Y, Chongsrisawat V, Theamboonlers A, Crasta PD, Messier M, Hardt K. Hum Vaccin Immunother. 2013 Aug;9(8):1679-84. doi: 10.4161/hv.24844.
The distribution of hepatitis B virus genotypes in Thailand. Louisirirotchanakul S, Olinger CM, Arunkaewchaemsri P, Poovorawan Y, Kanoksinsombat C, Thongme C, Sa-Nguanmoo P, Krasae S, Theamboonlert A, Oota S,Fongsatitkul L, Puapairoj C, Promwong C, Weber B. J Med Virol. 2012 Oct;84(10):1541-7. doi:10.1002/jmv.23363.
Persistence and immune memory to hepatitis B vaccine 20 years after primary vaccination of Thai infants, born to HBsAg and HBeAg positive mothers. Poovorawan Y, Chongsrisawat V, Theamboonlers A, Leroux-Roels G, Crasta PD, Hardt K. Hum Vaccin Immunother. 2012 Jul;8(7):896-904
Molecular analysis of hepatitis B virus associated with vaccine failure in infants and mothers: a case-control study in Thailand. Sa-Nguanmoo P, Tangkijvanich P, Tharmaphornpilas P, Rasdjarmrearnsook AO, Plianpanich S, Thawornsuk N, Theamboonlers A, Poovorawan Y. J Med Virol. 2012 Aug;84(8):1177-85.
HIV and Hepatitis B coinfection among perinatally HIV-infected Thai adolescents. Aurpibul L, Lumbiganon P, Kolasaraksa P, Hansudewechakul R, Sa-Nguanmoo P,Taeprasert P, Bunupuradah T, Poovorawan Y, Sirisanthana V, Puthanakit T. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2012 Sep;31(9):943-7
Immunogenicity and safety of a pediatric dose virosomal hepatitis A vaccine inThai HIV-infected children. Saksawad R, Likitnukul S, Warachit B, Hanvivatvong O, Poovorawan Y, Puripokai P. Vaccine. 2011 Jun 24;29(29-30):4735-8.
Evidence of protection against clinical and chronic hepatitis B infection 20 years after infant vaccination in a high endemicity region. Poovorawan Y, Chongsrisawat V, Theamboonlers A, Leroux-Roels G, Kuriyakose S, Leyssen M, Jacquet JM. J Viral Hepat. 2011 May;18(5):369-75.
High sensitivity assay using serum sample for IL28B genotyping to predict treatment response in chronic hepatitis C patients. Akkarathamrongsin S, Sugiyama M, Matsuura K, Kurbanov F, Poovorawan Y, TanakaY, Mizokami M. Hepatol Res. 2010 Oct;40(10):956-62
Identification of an effective siRNA target site and functional regulatory elements, within the hepatitis B virus posttranscriptional regulatory element. Panjaworayan N, Payungporn S, Poovorawan Y, Brown CM. Virol J. 2010 Sep8;7:216.
Comparison between quantitative hepatitis B surface antigen, hepatitis B e-antigen and hepatitis B virus DNA levels for predicting virological response to pegylated interferon-alpha-2b therapy in hepatitis B e-antigen-positive chronic hepatitis B. Tangkijvanich P, Komolmit P, Mahachai V, Sa-Nguanmoo P, Theamboonlers A,Poovorawan Y. Hepatol Res. 2010 Apr;40(4):269-77
Geographic distribution of hepatitis C virus genotype 6 subtypes in Thailand. Akkarathamrongsin S, Praianantathavorn K, Hacharoen N, Theamboonlers A, Tangkijvanich P, Tanaka Y, Mizokami M, Poovorawan Y. J Med Virol. 2010 Feb;82(2):257-62.
Persistence of antibodies and immune memory to hepatitis B vaccine 20 years after infant vaccination in Thailand. Poovorawan Y, Chongsrisawat V, Theamboonlers A, Bock HL, Leyssen M, Jacquet JM. Vaccine. 2010 Jan 8;28(3):730-6.
Increased risk of developing chronic HBV infection in infants born to chronically HBV infected mothers as a result of delayed second dose of hepatitis B vaccination. Tharmaphornpilas P, Rasdjarmrearnsook AO, Plianpanich S, Sa-nguanmoo P, Poovorawan Y. Vaccine. 2009 Oct 19;27(44):6110-5.
Low pretreatment serum HBsAg level and viral mutations as predictors of response to PEG-interferon alpha-2b therapy in chronic hepatitis B. Tangkijvanich P, Komolmit P, Mahachai V, Sa-nguanmoo P, Theamboonlers A, Poovorawan Y. J Clin Virol. 2009 Oct;46(2):117-23
Long-term benefit of hepatitis B vaccination among children in Thailand with transient hepatitis B virus infection who were born to hepatitis B surface antigen-positive mothers. Poovorawan Y, Chongsrisawat V, Theamboonlers A, Srinivasa K, Hutagalung Y, Bock HL, Hoet B. J Infect Dis. 2009 Jul 1;200(1):33-8.
Molecular characterisation of the hepatitis A virus circulating in the 2001-2005 outbreaks in Thailand. Barameechai K, Sa-Nguanmoo P, Suwannakarn K, Thongmee C, Payungporn S, Chongsrisawat V, et al. Ann Trop Med Parasitol. 2008;102(3):247-57.
Declining trend in the seroprevalence of infection with hepatitis A virus in Thailand. Chatproedprai S, Chongsrisawat V, Chatchatee P, Theamboonlers A, Yoocharoen P, Warinsathien P, et al. Ann Trop Med Parasitol. 2007;101(1):61-8.
Hepatitis B seroprevalence in Thailand: 12 years after hepatitis B vaccine integration into the national expanded programme on immunization. Chongsrisawat V, Yoocharoen P, Theamboonlers A, Tharmaphornpilas P, Warinsathien P, Sinlaparatsamee S, et al. Trop Med Int Health. 2006;11(10):1496-502.
Clinical features and molecular characterization of hepatitis A virus outbreak in a child care center in Thailand. Poovorawan Y, Theamboonlers A, Chongsrisawat V, Jantaradsamee P, Chutsirimongkol S, Tangkijvanich PJ. ClinVirol. 2005;32(1):24-8.
Prevalence of hepatitis A virus infection in children with biliary atresia. Chongsrisawat V, Theamboonlers A, Poovorawan Y. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health. 2004;35(4):959-61.
Management of chronic hepatitis B and C virus infections. Chongsrisawat V, Poovorawan Y. Indian J Pediatr. 2002;69(2):149-54.
Wilde H.Seroprevalence of hepatitis A virus antibody among children and young adults in Bangkok. Pancharoen C, Mekmullica J, Kasempimolporn S, Thisyakorn U, J Med Assoc Thai. 2001 Oct;84:1477-80
Humoral immune response following hepatitis B vaccine booster dose in children with and without prior immunization. Chongsrisawat V, Theamboonlers A, Khwanjaipanich S, Owatanapanich S, Sinlaparatsamee S, Poovorawan Y. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health. 2000;31(4):623-6.